Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love On Top

Beyonce is pregnant. Damn...that gives me a lot of diva feelings. If you know me at all, you know I love Beyonce. I mean, I'm a fan. But, more importantly, I respect her on a human level, on a female level, on a spiritual level, because she has tremendous heart (plus, she's from Houston!). Anyway, seeing how proud she was to announce her belly made me think about a lot of things. Right now, I'm in a place where I feel pregnant emotionally, intellectually, spiritually (not physically haha). I keep being filled and filled with all of these incredible experiences and wisdom; I feel like I need to use them to give birth to something really beautiful. I suppose thats not my own planning. :) When B walked on stage at the VMAs and said "I want you to feel the love growing inside of me," it wasn't a question or a suggestion; it was a statement. I thought to myself, "me too, girl." (...a LOT of diva feelings haha) Aside from "Love On Top" being such a feel-good arrangement, the lyrics are pretty on point (some of it is corny, in true B fashion), but honestly...what would the world look like if we could all sing “Love on Top” to even just one person in our lives and really mean it? What would happen if we all decided to do as we are intended and put someone else's well being before our own? Life would be so full. For everybody. Today when I woke up, two of the Fort Collins ladies were sorting quilts that were to be passed out to all the Indian boarding schools on the res. The other one, Theresa, drove about an hour away to help Mary & Harlen Standing Bear get new tribal IDs. Later in the day, Alicia drove all the way out to Chadron (almost 2 hrs away) to buy backpacks for rest of the kids before school starts. All day long, people were checking on my burn. THESE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS, Y'ALL. None of this is required, and yet... look at what people are willing to do for one another. LOVE-ON-TOP! :) In the afternoon, Dorothy came over and I made us all tea. She really loved it, so I gave it to her as a gift. The expression on her face was unforgettable. She looked at me and said "This is the best gift I've received in such a long time." When I saw her sincerity, I just grabbed her hand and held it. Tea never tasted so good. 
Miss Dorothy & I

Around 4PM, the Colorado women and I made 40 chocolate almond butter empanadas for the kids after school snack. Thank God they were well behaved today haha. They played for a little bit (I helped the girls make bead keychains with the Standing Bears and Karen) and then we all sang together at the end. I think Alicia and I are gonna start planning songs to play every week.
Nom Nom Nom :)
Jane & BettyLou (who celebrated her 77th Bird Day yesterday!)
Felicia & her bunny, made at our beading station! ^.^ (Mary Standing Bear in the back: Queen of the Beads!)
Medicine Wheel
Marquis & I made a pretty rad kitty keychain, if I do say so myself.  
More beautiful graffiti

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This morning was a little embarrassing. My burn was throbbing like a mother. I poured Epsom salt on it because the whole thing was swollen, red, and hot. The ladies from Fort Collins all suggested I go to the hospital for antibiotics to treat the infection, but when we called the locations it was a hot mess. Pine Ridge down the street doesn’t serve non-Indians unless its life or death, Gordon Hospital in Nebraska (hr and a half away) “had no physician present.” (I don’t know wtf that means, it’s a hospital for God’s sake) And no one in Chadron picked up the phone (also an hour and a half away). I can’t imagine the kind of bullshit I would have to go through if I didn’t have a car, money, or insurance. And yet, people wonder why 50 yrs is the approximate life expectancy at Pine Ridge. Anyway, all of those complications along with my culture shock over the past few days caused a brief crying episode in the kitchen haha. It wasn't even the burn, it was more the overwhelming sense of helplessness. These people sure as hell are strong. I don't have a working phone as of now; I can't call anyone. I never realized how much I take that for granted, especially in these kinds of scenarios. The Colorado women assured me they would take care of me and I felt much better to know I had a support system. (Middle aged women are the best cuz they tend to treat you like their own child haha) After deciding to wait until Monday so that I could go to the clinic instead of the E.R, we went to see Aisa preach at Makasan. Aisa and Trasita are two of the church elders here in the community and I’ve met them a few times at the Center; both of them are incredibly sweet. When I hug them I know they mean it because it feels like I’m hugging my own grandparents. :) Aisa has the most calming voice. At the service today, he wore a neatly pressed, white shirt and one of those cowboy things that loops around your neck; he looked so handsome with his long, white hair. His wife, Trasita, is a short, hearty woman who has long, dark hair and wears the most incredible jewelry. A lot of it is traditional Native American jewelry; the earrings are handmade by an artist here on the res.
Mmmm, those earrings. Swag.
Trasita's gorgeous hands. The circular ring on the right, middle finger is from Aisa's tribe in Arizona.
She has a charming habit of laughing to herself all the time; it’s the most amazing laugh you could ever imagine. She laughs at everything. When you know the kind of crap she and Aisa go through on a day-to-day basis, it just makes it that much more beautiful to listen to. She has pure joy. Trasita and Aisa live right next to the church in a quaint, yellow house. There are about 10 cars that live on the prairie right next to it, most of which don’t work. The church itself is really quite amazing; it basically looks like a log cabin. The whole thing was built by volunteers over the course of about 3 yrs—mind blowing to see what can happen when people get focused on accomplishing something and work together. During the service there was a miniature horse that kept walking by the door and poking its head in; I could also hear grasshoppers chirping outside the window. J

Alicia & the nosy little Babyhead who wanted to see the service.
Babyhead's friend who was really scared (he had a bloody nose :( may have been bit by a rattlesnake)
There were only about 15 people in the congregation, 7 of which we brought with us. I suppose its because the church is so remote and most people here don’t have cars. I think its important to note that almost everyone else that came had some kind of cough or illness that I could hear or see made them uncomfortable. After the service, we had a potluck in the dining hall. Aisa came up to me and asked why I didn’t sing in front of everyone today. I didn’t know he knew I was a singer Haha. I told him I would sing for church next Sunday; I think Karen wants me to start playing guitar for the kids worship on Wednesday and Thursday, too. I think it will be good for me. I really want to learn songs in Lakota; Aisa said he would try to find a cd for me. After eating, we went home and hung out for a little bit before going with Karen to do a prayer service in a retirement home. Apparently the residents there only pay like $5 a day. That’s insane. On the way, we picked up a beautiful older woman named Dorothy.


- During the potluck, I asked one little boy where he was going and he said, "TO POOOOOOP!" haha. What a gentleman.
- Turns out the horses we met are Gabby's son, BJ's. The brown one is Chili Pepper and the other one is Hudini. Trasita wants to keep them because they've been hanging out on her property. She and I are really concerned about Chili Pepper's nosebleed. Gabby called BJ today to make sure he checked it out.

Monday, August 29, 2011

My first Pow Wow, among other things.

Well, I realized why I heard so many fire trucks last night. The fire station is right behind our house haha. And the main hospital is just up the road. So, I’m bound to hear a lot of sirens. That explains a lot. I took a drive around yesterday just to see what was in the area and counted about 8 rehabilitation facilities (drug/alcohol treatment, VA clinics, etc.) and church organizations within a 5 mile stretch. After that, I started settling into my room and getting everything organized. It felt good to know this would be my room for a little bit; I’m so tired of moving. It feels weird when you basically carry your whole life around in your car for 3 weeks. Yesterday, Karen took the day off. She hasn’t done that in awhile and probably won’t have a chance to do it again for a few weeks. I think she works too hard, so do Gabby and Alicia. It’s crazy. The knocks on the door are starting to become a natural part of my day. Every forty-five minutes (at least) someone will come to the house asking for something, selling something, or looking for something. I wish every person had the opportunity to live at the Center. Its awful hard to ignore poverty when it literally knocks on your door everyday. Even if you can bring yourself to ignore the knocks, there are always people on our front porch.

Front Porch of the Center (my home)
Tabletop where people sit on the porch:
The circle emblem (symbolizing ongoing life) is a traditional Plains Tribe medicine wheel. The colors represent the knowledge and appreciation of all cultures.
Tabletop depicting Buffalo: the Lakota's most sacred animal, associated with the coming of the Pipe.
 Seeing people on the porch makes for good acclimation to the area, but it’s also a strange way to encounter people.  Its awful hard not to show compassion to someone when you’re looking them dead in the eye. When I arrive, I feel like I have a strange sense of power or entitlement because I can go inside the house. They can’t. Well, they can sometimes, but the Center is specifically volunteer housing. It’s not safe to constantly let people go in and out. Plus, it houses all of the donations. Most of the people who hang out on our porch are homeless or jobless—either way, they literally have nothing better to do (at least they think so). Alicia told me that people sleep in the gutter next to our house a lot; some of them will come ask for a blanket before night time. I asked if it was safe to sit out there and talk with them and she said, “Sometimes.” Some of the people are really enjoyable to talk to, but some of them have been extremely belligerent with her because they were drunk or high or both. Last week a man was drunk outside our house and told Alicia he was going to “drag her by her hair into his tipi and…” you get the picture. One of these days I’ll grow some ovaries and just sit outside and start talking to them. I can handle the belligerent ones as they come; there’s no reason to exclude myself from everyone that hangs out on our porch. After all, they really are just people. On another note, last night while I was cleaning I noticed that something smelled horrid, and then saw that trash was sitting downstairs in front of the door. I asked Alicia if I should take the trash out and she explained that there is no trash pick up at the Center; it is mostly just residential places where they pick up. Pastor Karen told me that we don’t have a dumpster outside the facility because it would attract critters and even more people. Most of the time Henry (a volunteer from the community) will come by the house and take the trash to the dump for us. This morning, I heard Gabby’s voice while I was sleeping so I got up and had breakfast/ devotion with them again. He’s so funny. I love to listen to his stories; only half of them are true, I’m sure. J I found out today he’s got 15 kids and about 26 grandkids. Crazy. He asked if I was ready to ride yet, and I told him I should probably wait until my burn heals. I think I’m going to try to learn bareback. He said I should be able to, there are tons of kids that learn that way. Today 3 middle aged women came in from Fort Collins, CO. We’re pretty much the coolest crew ever. Just me and 4 older, church-going, “liberal,” white ladies (including Karen). When I was helping them unload the stuff from the car I smelled something really awful and asked “Do y’all smell that?” To which one of them replied, “It’s vomit. You’ll encounter that a lot.” Sure enough, just a big puddle of dried puke right in front of my home. Awesome. Anyway, once they got settled we left for a pow wow at Woyatan which is about 2 hrs away. It was really casual, but incredibly beautiful. Since it was so laid back, I was able to take pictures and video! 

Handsome Lakota Warrior Boy <3 

All the brave boys lined up (I only got videos of the girls)
"Sneak Up" Dance
We watched traditional Native American dancing, singing, and drumming and ate food (including Indian Fry Bread…so good). After the pow wow, we went to a Lutheran service that was lead by one of Karen’s friends. It was really incredible the way they incorporated traditional Native American culture. In the beginning of the service, we participated in “smudging,” a spiritual ritual where they burn sage and waft it over your body as a way to cleanse the spirit. Throughout the service we sang in both Lakota and English, and the group of drummers sang a dedication to one of the older members of the congregation (that’s when I fell in love with one of them haha).
Here are some more tidbits I learned/realized today:
-       Everyone here eats WAY too much fast food. KFC and McDonalds seem to be the hotspot. Buh. No wonder there’s so much diabetes here. I wish that there was a better option, but hey… if you’re hungry and poor with no way to cook, that’s about as good as it gets.
-       This place is a clothing desert. The closest place to buy clothes is about 40-50 miles away. When people want clothes they either have to come up with gas money or if they don’t have a car, pay someone to take them. What a serious pain in the ass. Now imagine trying to do that on an annual income of $3,700. Yeah, that’s the median income on the res.
-       Native American activists have repeatedly tried to shut down the liquor town of White Clay, NE over the past 40 years, but to no avail. People have even tried to burn the damn thing down. It’s a huge moneymaking industry, but unfortunately preys upon the addiction of Pine Ridge residents. (The town is one of Annheiser Beusch’s largest distributors)
o      Pastor Rupp found about 50 empty cans of hair spray in the trash this morning (used for home made alcohol)
-       Since tribal/federal law set it up that all people are basically “permanently leasing” land, their homes/ property don’t count as collateral.
-       Check this out if you’re interested, guaranteed to shock you:

Friday, August 26, 2011

The cupboards are bare, but the streets are paved with gold.

This morning Dr. Scholten and her husband, Paul, picked me up around 8:30AM. I was so happy to see a familiar face. As soon as she saw my gnarly leg, she asked what happened. I said, “first motorcycle ride.” She looked at me with that certain mischievous smile that she has and said, “you know…I may not look like it, but I used to ride a motorcycle. This is what your leg will look like in 30 years.” Then she proceeded to show me all her scars from riding—dirtbikes, sportscars, bikes. I adore her. So much. Once laughs were exchanged she went maternal on me (which I appreciated J) and gauzed my leg up.
After that, we headed to Higher Grounds, a local coffee shop that’s like the Bongo Java of Pine Ridge (for all you Nashville folk). After that, she showed me the basics of the town. 1st stop: Pine Ridge Hospital— a new facility that is a “one-stop-shop” for dental care, mental health, and hospital treatment. Then, we stopped by Suanne Big Crow Boys and Girls Club, which also has a health clinic. Apparently this facility is packed right now because the new hospital is inundated with so many patients. The Club was funded by the Clinton Administration and named after Suanne, a famous Lakota athlete, for her positive anti-drug/alcohol outreach to the kids here on the res. Sadly, like most places here, the facility struggles to maintain itself. People get things started with good intention and soon the Pine Ridge population finds it difficult to maintain on the day-to-day. Once we were finished here, things got super real and we went to White Clay, Nebraska—basically, its where people go to get drunk off the res. On the way there, Lorraina pointed out that the huge lights installed on the side of the road were done so because so many people were killed drunk walking/driving back to the res. When we arrived, it was a strip of shops on either side for about 2 miles and that was the entire town. I would say about ¾ of the stores there sold booze of some sort. It made me ill to see this place; it felt like the town’s sole purpose was to feed these people’s addictions. It was 9AM and there were already people passed out from drinking on the side of the road. After this, we went to the OST Health Administration—from my understanding, this is where I will be based for the time being. This was the old hospital they used before the new one was recently built. To be frank, the place is a complete shit hole. I mean that to give a reflection of the reality of the circumstances, not to complain. There is asbestos all over the ceiling, mold, walls peeling, lights flickering on and off; I could go on and on. The place is fixing to be demolished, if that gives you an idea of the condition it is in. Anyway, once we got to the meeting, I met a couple of important members of Sweetgrass: Richard Iron Cloud, the case manager and Eileen, community outreach coordinator…there were also two lieutenants that were somehow affiliated with mental health. They were there to assess the progress of the meeting and serve as the voice of the Feds, if you will. The other 30+ army crew that they came with were at the other hospital. The topic of discussion was reviewing a ppt which would be used for presentation at various schools in the surrounding area to train education professionals how to recognize signs of suicidal tendency, prevent bullying, etc. I’m so glad I will be certified to do school social work; I think the classes will prove to be very useful. While there, I heard several horror stories of suicide attempts on the res and learned several more relevant statistics:
-       The domestic violence shelter on the res shut down about a year ago, and since then there has not been any real, sustainable resource for domestic abuse clients.
-       Over ½ of the families here are single parent homes.
-       60% of the people on the res are under the federal poverty line and are EBT recipients.
-       Originally the organization served people from age 14-24, but has had to lower the age of acceptance because they have had people referred to them as young as 6 years old.

      Sidenote: I still have yet to meet my supervisor. Lorraina has continuously tried to call her, but no response. She also wasn’t at the meeting. However, I was assured that things would fall into place. Welcome to the res mindset, things can move slowly and the only natural rhythm of events here is that there is no rhythm at all. I have no idea what I will be doing with Sweetgrass yet, I don’t know if I will have my own caseload or if I will be doing group work. So, I’m trying to prepare myself as best as I can but bear in mind that there are certain things beyond my control. (Big Girl revelation)

Leonard's soon-to-be Montessori. It's main mission is cultural preservation (teaching Lakota language, dance, etc.)

After the meeting, we went to meet with Leonard Littlefinger (descendent of Chief Bigfoot) because Lorraina said he would be a valuable person and resource to me while on the res; she trusts him. On
the way out, I realized that I should have brought him a gift. I had met him once on a brief occasion before. I decided on half a pound of honeybush vanilla in an origami tin. Before we left, Lorraina and Paul went to buy sandwiches for he and another tribal elder in the community who was with him, Richard Broken Nose. Leonard’s Montessori, where we met them, is about 15 miles outside of the res in Oglala. Right now they are doing major construction on Hwy 18, which leads in and out of the res so its really bumpy and kicks up a lot of dust. When you drive through that long strip of bare road, it almost feels like you’re in a dream because everything hides behind a faint mist of white smoke and the prairie just looks so damn beautiful. There’s nothing but horses, cows, sunflowers, corn, and a few sparse ranches and houses. The sky is open and the wind is so present here. When we got to the Montessori, Richard and Leonard were both in the back. As soon as I was in the same room as them, I could feel their presence. They are both fluent in Lakota. After Lorraina introduced me and explained that I would be working with The Sweetgrass Project, Leonard said that he remembered meeting me briefly at a Belmont convo. He said, "you ask a lot of questions. They're good." I was kind of embarrassed; people have been noting that to me a lot lately, haha. After getting settled, Leonard suggested that Richard share some wisdom with me concerning suicide and the Old Way. Richard began to explain to me that until about thirty years ago, there was no such thing as suicide in Native American culture, especially among the Lakota. He explained that in Lakota, all people are connected; this philosophy is expressed by the phrase Mitakuye Oyasin (also known as Ubuntu in African culture, or comparable to empathy in American culture) and they all share the same cultural mindset. But, when the wasicu (whiteman­) came, their philosophy, ethics, way of life, everything was divided into two forms of thought: the Native Way, often referred to as the Old Way, or what Leonard refers to as Circular, versus the Western Way, also known as the Square. For too long of a time, these realms of thought were considered irreconcilable. So, when the western mindset was emphasized, it was at the cost of the Old way—thus was born the common boarding school/assimilation phrase: “Save the Man, kill the Indian.” It is fitting a circle into a square: you have to shove it in and there is a cost. 
"God hath not promised skies always blue." An appropriately embroidered blanket hanging in hallway of the Center.
Richard continued, “My ancestors died brave, fighting. Now, I see my people, most of them are cowards. I never heard of people in my generation, or generations before, killing themselves. In the Old Way, there is a respect for life in all phases, you don’t just give up somewhere along the way. You can’t. Your soul will wander lost among the earth because it is not it’s proper time yet. These people, they think that they die and go to heaven, but to me, this is heaven. Everything in front of us: Heaven. My people have lost the Old Way and that’s what they need. If they can’t feed their addiction, they want to die; if they can’t get what they want, they want to cut themselves. My ancestors used to mark notches on their bows and arrows when they accomplished certain honors or have overcome struggle. It’s like a tattoo.” I told him that I had my own bow and arrow notches and showed him the inside of my arm, which carries a sacred heart, and underneath says, “Little girl arise.” We all chuckled and he said, “See? I can just look at you and know your history. I could do the same thing on my own arm.” In a moment of complete honesty, I told Richard and Leonard that I was scared. I was scared because I didn’t come from their culture, and as much as I tried to make myself familiar with their history and spirituality by reading books before I got here, I knew I would be at a loss in comparison to the other people working for Sweetgrass. Their cultural identity is a valuable tool for working with their clients-- I don’t have that. Richard looked at me and said, “There is a balance. You have one mindset that you have cultivated; now you have come here to learn the other. To learn the circle. It is our responsibility to show you. Mitakuye Oyasin.” The wisdom in his face made me believe him. Leonard then gave me four pillars to help guide my practice with the Lakota—Identity, Spirituality, Respect of one’s self, Respect for others. As he told me this, it took all my strength not to nerd out and pull out the notebook in my bag. This is the basic gist of what he said, but not nearly as poetic:
1) Identity- In order to know yourself, you must know where you come from.

2) Spirituality- When you know yourself, you know where you are going. You know what guides you.
3) Respect of one’s self- This is what people often overlook. It is how they carry themselves, how they end up in addictions. Lots of times the best way to teach this is to show it.
4) Respect for others- If all of the others are in place, this should come naturally.
hanging in the children's playroom at the Center. 
When I got back to the Center, Karen was ready to pick up the older kids for dinner, worship and playtime. We drove through the neighborhoods stopping and saying hello to people, almost all of which she knew by name. I felt like I was in a township in South Africa again, except this is right smack dab in the middle of the United States of America: four leggeds running amock, little two leggeds running amock, completely dilapidated houses that housed generational families of about 15, trash everywhere, dust everywhere, everything was disheveled. Everything was rusty and dirty and torn. When the kids got in the van, there was snot smeared all over their faces, sticky things stuck to their hair, and their hands had cheetoh leftovers all over them. I realllly wanted to get maternal on them and wipe them down, but I held back. I figured I’d at least give them one day to get to know me J. When we got back to the house, there were about 9 more kids waiting outside. As we served dinner to about 40 children (some of whom had to stand and eat), I had to get them in check a couple of times because some of them didn’t say please or thank you. None of them really seemed inclined to pick up their dishes either, so I said “When you’re finished, please bring your dishes into the sink.” After the words left my mouth, I felt like an ass because I didn’t want Karen to think I was trying to take her authority. I just can’t stand when children seem to forget to be thankful, especially to people like Karen or Alicia who are so generous to them. After that, we went downstairs for a puppet show/worship and playtime. During playtime, I asked one of the girls who she was making paper hearts for and she said, “My brother, he is in prison,” then she just skipped away and started drawing on the chalkboard. We played more, and then took the kids back home in the van with no windows. The kids were generally good about staying in the seats but one of the tiny ones scared the daylights out of me because she got out of someone’s lap and was walking right next to the window. The girl (who could have easily been mistaken as a boy because she wore her brother’s hand-me-downs) is probably three years old. I just about had a heart attack. When we got back to the center, I helped Karen and Alicia prep for a church meeting that I was lucky enough to eavesdrop on while I washed the dishes. I heard 3 fire trucks tonight.

Dr. Scholten (Lorraina): One of the women who taught me how to advocate for myself and advocate for others.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day One

There is no word for “depression” in Lakota- the expression is “My heart is on the ground.”

There is no word for “Goodbye” in Lakota- the expression is “Later, again.”

A gentleman named Gabby came and had morning "devotion" and breakfast with us. We ate oatmeal and drank coffee. I noticed that the milk was past date but didn’t say anything, maybe they already knew that. We talked for a while about his daughter, Paige, who is fifteen and likes to ride horses. I told him that I never wanted to learn to ride so badly in my life, and he told me that he had a nephew about fifteen miles from here with horses, some of whom are gentle enough for me to ride if I want to learn. I hope I get to do that. Pastor Rupp read 2nd Corinthians 11:22 aloud for us. The version she read from her devotional was beautiful. I haven’t read Biblical based scripture in a long time. She has such a willful voice. I wasn’t sure what to do when my eyes welled up with tears, so I turned and washed the dishes. I could hear Gabby talking about a friend of his who he ran into down at Bats (the local gas station). He was saying that his friend hadn’t had a drink in about a week and a half and that he looked really down, his eyes were sunken and his spirit seemed low. Gabby invited him to join us today for breakfast, but the man is never up that early. His cell phone went off about then and it was an old western tune. I really liked that. I asked what the Lakota word for God was, and Gabby told me it was “Wakantanka”-Godhead or "Ateunyanpi"- Our Father. Those are only the most commonly used terms, there are many other ways to refer to God in Lakota. He explained to me that speaking Lakota is like painting with words because the words themselves express both emotion and logic. Things are thought of in phrases and expressions rather than fragments of sentences. I really liked that, it seems more natural. I asked if most people here understand Lakota and Gabby seemed kind of ashamed to tell me no. Then, he started telling me stories of assimilation and how his mother was never allowed to speak Lakota in school. The three of us spent the next few minutes exchanging the few Lakota words we knew, and it turns out Gabby knows much more than he thinks, but he would never tell you that. His eyes are very honest. He also has a great laugh. Right then, I couldn’t help but notice the tattoo on the front of his forearm. It was weathered and illegible. I couldn’t tell if it was a prison tattoo or something else. I didn’t ask. Then, we started talking about which pastors are the right ones to ask to bless meals and which ones will preach from Genesis-Revelations before we get to eat. Haha. After that, Gabby left to take Paige to school and then to take his son, Wiley, fishing. Once breakfast was over, Karen packed lunch for some people who were gonna be in the hospital all day today.

PS- there are mountain lions here, Gabby said he saw one awhile back down by White River, where he goes fishing. A man also saw one underneath his car this past winter. I would melt into a million pieces if I got to see one. I asked Gabby how big they were and all he said was “Well, much larger than a pussycat.”

Welcome Home

I don’t suppose I’ve ever been this type of scared. Its like the kind of scared you get before you watch a scary movie, mixed with the first time you are on stage, mixed with your first kiss--terrified and excited, all at the same time. God help me. Given the demographics of this population and the lack of resources here, my work ahead all seems pretty overwhelming. Today when Seth and I got to the Center, there was a man who showed up and asked Pastor Rupp (Karen) for “six ounces.” I shat myself for a second, thinking he was talking about drugs. Turns out he was talking about bologna sandwiches. That was my first lesson: the Center feeds the people of the res for free from 11-1PM Monday thru Friday, if they so choose. When I got back home from dropping Seth off at the airport, there were three boys outside my house. One asking to use our phone, one asking for shoes, and the other was aimlessly riding his bike around, trying to convince one of the others to join him. His tire was flat. Turns out it wasn’t his bike, either. When we came inside, I saw about 35 bowls and cups, some were empty and some still had bits of chicken and rice or lemonade hangin out in em. Second lesson: the Center feeds the res children every Wednesday after school, partnered with playtime and worship. I noticed one of the boys picking at the bowls of food and lemonade and wondered when his last meal was. We invited him to eat. As we were eating, another boy dropped by to pick up school supplies, so he joined us as well. It didn’t take long for me to realize that this house was a haven. Pastor Rupp is like a mad scientist—always thinking of new things to do and new ways to do them. She lives to serve. The door must have been knocked at least twice more that night before she headed home, and we had a phone call requesting food around eight (that is, after she filled another request for a family that lives across the street from us). There is also a wonderful girl named Alicia who lives here. She is from South Carolina, did her undergrad in Theology, and has been here about 2 months. She will continue to stay here for about another year. Her four legged, Scottie, is a vocal little man who likes fruits and vegetables (especially bananas). Alicia also cooked the chicken—very good. After the children left, Pastor Rupp, Alicia, and I had grown up talk and I found out/confirmed a few things:

- Approximately ½ of all residents are under 21
- People mix hairspray and water to get drunk because it’s cheaper and more accessible (this is a dry reservation)
    à Drunk driving is a HUGE problem here; people will drive out of county, booze, and drive back. There were markers on the road that marked each place a person died from drunk driving. The amount of signs I saw made my stomach turn.
- 80% unemployment rate
- The boy who I saw picking at the food and invited in has a mother who just returned from jail (she also took the backpack that Karen and Alicia gave him from the school supply drive, so we gave him another)
-       The windows of our church van were smashed in last October. That’s the van we use to take the children to and from school, home, and church. Karen says its most likely gang initiation or just teenagers being teenagers; it happens quite frequently. On the drive toward Pine Ridge, Seth and I were listening to 90.1 Kili radio, which had a feature on violence, most especially gang violence among adolescents on the res.  Lucky me, those are most likely my clients. My main service here will be working with The Sweetgrass Project (a suicide prevention program, mostly for teenagers).

hallway outside my bedroom

Karen's office, filled with handmade things she bought from locals.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The summer comes to a close...

So, I have 3 days left in Nashville before I leave for the reservation. As the reality of departure sets in, I'm realizing that it has been one hell of a past three weeks. Good and bad. On the first of the month, I moved out of the house I lived in for the past three years. I suppose not just lived in, but made my home. Unfortunately, a series of miscommunications and bad attitudes made the whole moving experience leave a sour taste in my mouth. I suppose it's always hard to see someone mistreat something that you invested a lot of time and spirit in. On a brighter note,  over the past two and a half weeks I've been couch surfing with friends and its been really amazing to see how generous and kind the people that I surround myself with are. A few friends in particular have been especially helpful, and I literally could not have survived all this chaos without them. They have been there to help me haul furniture, store furniture, feed me, house me, and basically help make sure I had a hold of my sanity in some form or fashion. I have to admit, being in between houses was harder for me than I thought. It turns out I'm a nester. I love to make every place I go into my own safe space--its difficult for me not to be able to entertain or cook and know where everything is for cleaning, decorating, etc. Sounds petty, but I think its the small, comfortable things in life like that that make us feel stable. Learning this about myself has kinda made me nervous to be gone so long in such an unfamiliar context. Then again, thats exactly why I chose to go away--so I would be uncomfortable.

With such a short amount of time left before Seth and I make our trip, I've been doing a lot of contemplation... especially because I've been reading a book which was suggested to me by a friend-- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Pirsig. It's a wonderful read if you find yourself interested, and was coincidentally a very appropriate choice for me right now, with the whole "heading out west into an abyss of questions" theme...but more about that later.

For now, I am tired from a nice, long day of friendship. (I've been trying to soak in as much of this city as I can, lately...making up for the time I'll be away, I suppose)

Peace to you.